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Connectors & Caps

With the MiBoxerStore connectors and caps you can combine all desired cable connections. From 2 to 4 connections on 1 connector and with multiple variants caps you can also connect different cable thicknesses to it. This makes any lighting plan super easy to work out. (!) Tip: draw your lighting plan for yourself on an A4 so you can easily count the accessories you need.

Combine 3 varieties of connectors with multiple types of caps

You lay these cable connectors easily, even on existing power cables. The 2 sizes (M20/M25) caps fit the corresponding connectors (M20/M25). This way you process cables with a thickness of 5 to 14mm. The overhead cable from MiBoxerstore is 8mm thick.

  • I-connector: For connecting 2 cables
  • T-connector: For connecting 3 cables
  • X-connector: For connecting 4 cables